What Your Car Is Telling You With Its Smells

Your car has many ways it can go about warning you that there is trouble brewing. One of the ways it can let you know something is going on is by having a new smell. However, while not all smells mean trouble, any new smell you can't easily rule out should be immediately looked into by a mechanic. Here are some smells you may notice your car suddenly having and some of the reasons for them: Read More 

Important Benefits Of Using Wrapped Vehicles For Advertising Your Small Business

Given that attracting new customers and maintaining interest in your product and services are two of the most important steps you can take when building a successful business, advertising is an obvious and common need. Unfortunately, many individuals have become quite desensitized to the billboards and signs around them, so those methods are not always as helpful as you might expect. In addition, those options also tend to be expensive and are therefore inappropriate for many small businesses. Read More 

3 Ways To Save Money On Auto Body Repairs

Repairing your vehicle can often be a very stressful and frightening experience because vehicle repairs can often be among the costliest repair jobs out there. Listed below are three ways to save money on auto body repairs. Get Paintless Dent Repair Whenever Possible One of the most important ways that you can save a bit of money on auto body repairs is to get paintless dent repair whenever possible. The reason that you will want to get paintless dent repair is because that it will save you a lot of money on labor and material costs on smaller dents. Read More 

Animal Collisions: A Guide To Restoring Chipped, Cracked, & Scratched Vehicle Paint

Along with sharing the road with other vehicles, many rural areas have animals constantly using the road as a crossway. In some cases, it may be hard to avoid larger animals like deer, moose, or wild turkey. If an animal makes contact with your vehicle, it could result in significant damage. A lot of this damage can actually occur to the car's paint job. Before you start getting estimates from a local body shop, you may want to consider doing the painting and restoring yourself. Read More 

How Can You Protect Your Child From Being Locked In A Hot Car This Summer?

Whether you're planning a lengthy road trip or staying in town this summer, you and your young child are likely to be spending at least some time in the car. Unfortunately, even minor changes to your daily routine can put you at risk of forgetting that your child is riding with you, setting the stage for tragedy. In other cases, a curious child may accidentally lock him or herself in your vehicle along with your spare keys, giving you just minutes to break a window or climb through the trunk before interior temperatures reach the triple digits. Read More